Where We’ve Been

Over the past ten years, Paradigm Shift has served 130 churches—who have catalyzed 1,800 volunteers—who have trained 10,000 entrepreneurs—who have supported 50,000 dependents. Entrepreneurs incomes have grown (on average) by 62%. The entrepreneurs’ children have better access to nutrition, education and healthcare. Relationships have been formed and faith has grown. Volunteers report that they have been able to combine their faith and work in a deeply meaningful way and they have grown personally as a result.

The Constraint

However, we have nearly 1,000 churches on a waiting list who WANT to run the Paradigm Shift program, but they haven’t been able to, due to finances, logistics, getting volunteer teams trained, etc. As a leadership team, we want EVERY SINGLE ONE of those churches to have access to the Paradigm Shift model.

The Pivot

That’s why we’ve taken a long, hard look at the things that hold churches back from getting started, and we have decided to make a pivot to a new delivery model. Today in Africa, most church leaders having a smartphone and / or laptop, and consistent online connectivity. That changes everything!

We are about to put the entire Paradigm Shift model online for churches to access. (Before, it was hard copies of everything, which required a great deal of printing, time, money, delivery, etc. and it required in-person training of volunteers.) Now, it’s all going to be accessible with one click of a button: training videos to train the volunteer team, volunteer training manuals and curriculums, workbooks and visuals for entrepreneurs, surveys for impact assessment – everything. This make a massive difference, because it will soon become financially and logistically accessible for hundreds and hundreds more churches who are on our waiting list. Our team has invested over 10 years into building, growing and iterating on this effective outreach model that churches are using to serve their communities, and we are very excited that everything is FINALLY coming into place for us to pivot to this more impactful model.

Project Outline

We have published for FREE what it took us 10 years to create and refine. Why? Because we believe more impact can be made when we become open-handed with what we’ve been given to steward. If you are interested in seeing Paradigm Shift’s model, curriculum and resources, then start here.

Four Year Goal

In the next four years, we want to see a 10x increase in churches catalyzed, volunteers mobilized, entrepreneurs served and dependents impacted. That’s a lot! And we believe it can happen. Do you?

How You Can Help

Donate today! There’s more we have yet to create in helping entrepreneurs grow further faster and we need your help to get there.

If you haven’t received your free copy of Resilience: Portraits of a New South Africa, go here to get your copy.

Paradigm Shift © Copyright 2024. All rights reserved.