Microentrepreneurs don’t need charity. They need someone to help them use the gifts God has given them.
We’ve served 130 churches that have catalyzed 2,150 volunteers who trained 12,000 entrepreneurs who have supported 57,000 dependents. Entrepreneurs incomes have grown. Their kids have better access to nutrition, education, and healthcare. Volunteers combine their faith and work in a vibrant way and have grown as a result. But this is just the beginning.
Join us for the journey by either launching a Paradigm Shift program in your community or by financially supporting this ministry to continue impacting the lives of African entrepreneurs.

Over the last decade, we’ve refined the model to be easy to use for volunteers and highly impactful for entrepreneurs. All it takes is for one person who loves Jesus, has a passion for business, and desires to build a team to serve microentrepreneurs to launch Paradigm Shift. Don’t live in Africa? Help Paradigm Shift grow by investing today.